

Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that involves inducing a trance-like state in an individual to promote relaxation, focused attention, and increased suggestibility. It can be used to address a variety of issues such as anxiety, weight management, addiction cessation, and phobias, among every day stressors. Topics addressed by hypnosis include:

Introducing the Hypnotherapy Self Awareness Program

Your Gateway to Personal Growth and Self-Improvement

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and personal development? The Hypnotherapy Self Awareness Program has been meticulously crafted to guide individuals like you through a series of 4-6 transformative sessions. This program is your unique opportunity to unlock your full potential, enhance self-awareness, and achieve the self-improvement goals you've always aspired to. Join us on this path to positive change and self-empowerment.

Amy will work with you to make sure hypnosis is the right approach for you and that she is the best person to assist you through the process. Amy's belief that every individual is unique and beautiful and every situation is complicated in its own way, so the # of sessions and price per client will differ every time!

How can hypnosis with massage help you and your sensitive nature?

Massage therapy combined with Hypnosis for Wellbeing is offered by Amy through her practice.

Highly sensitive people (HSPs) are individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to stimuli, including emotions, environmental factors, and sensory experiences. They are often more aware of subtleties in their surroundings and tend to process information deeply. They may also be more prone to being overwhelmed by external stimuli and experiencing emotional or physical reactions more intensely. LGBTQ+ individuals 

When it comes to hypnosis and highly sensitive people, Amy’s desired clients, Amy knows how important it is to consider each client’s unique characteristics and potential sensitivities. Here are a few points she keeps in mind before working with each client:

Individual Differences 

Each client is unique, and your response to hypnosis may vary. Some Highly Sensitive People may find hypnosis to be a valuable tool for relaxation and personal growth. While others may be more sensitive to the experience. Knowing this, Amy works with each individual to create a more tailored approach to each session.

Sensory Stimulation

Highly sensitive people tend to have a heightened sensitivity to sensory input. Therefore, Amy knows it is crucial to create a calm and comfortable environment during her hypnosis sessions. Reducing external stimuli, such as dimming lights, minimizing noise, and providing a cozy space, Amy is able to help her clients feel more at ease.

Emotional Intensity

Highly Sensitive People often experience emotions more intensely, which can be both a strength and a challenge. Hypnosis can be a useful tool for managing emotions, reducing anxiety, and improving emotional well-being. Amy, being an HSP herself, is sensitive to the individual's emotional state as they enter each session and provides appropriate support throughout the process.

Trust and Rapport

Amy knows that building trust and establishing a positive rapport between the client and herself is crucial. Highly Sensitive People tend to be more attuned to subtle cues and may have a heightened ability to detect authenticity. Amy hopes that her desire to work with you is seen as genuine. Amy is compassionate and understanding and creates a safe and sacred space for you to explore hypnosis and address your concerns.

Customized Approach 

Amy feels it is essential to tailoring the hypnosis techniques to the specific needs and sensitivities of each client. This may involve adjusting the induction process, using gentle language, and incorporating relaxation strategies that align with the individual's preferences. Amy also takes care in explaining the process thoroughly while addressing any concerns and questions the client may have.

It is important to note that while hypnosis can be a beneficial tool for many people, it may not be suitable or effective for everyone. Highly sensitive people, like any other individual, have unique preferences and responses, so it is important to approach hypnosis with sensitivity and customization to meet your specific needs. 

Creating Health and Beauty in Body, Mind and Spirit!